
I live on an organic homestead and I love this beautiful earth.  I live simply and with intention.  Making a blog is pretty much the last thing I thought I would be doing in 2012.  That said, I’m up for an adventure.

I welcome fellow adventure seekers and your comments.

Thank you for visiting.  This is a wildly new medium for me…  pardon any glaring gaffs whilst I find my sea legs.

So what’s happening on our homestead?  Everything is organic, and we like the old ways of doing things.

This is a picture of the east half of our vegetable garden last summer…It was not a great year because it was so rainy, but it looked MUCH worse after hurricane Irene laid our popcorn & Brussels sprouts flat.   If you look close there is a patch of milkweed to the right back of the shot…we’re not lazy about weeds, hell we eat ’em…we do like to provide habitat for the monarch butterflies.  Even if the plants sprout up in the veggie patch.

These are a few of our hens and of course a rooster.  The rooster, Junior, is a Dominique-Araucana mix and the tiny gal next to him, Henny Penny, is a Buff Cochin-Brahma mix.  Henny Penny is the iconic mother hen, hatching out at least two broods per season.  The red sex link facing the camera has not yet been named.  We had a total of 16 chickens last summer.  Hopefully I’ll get a shot of our favorite Dominicker, Golden for you!

This here is our pure bred miniature poodle.  He is an apricot poodle and spoiled beyond belief…the life of Riley for him!

Enter Houdini…who comes by her name honestly.  While she was crated to visit the vet to be spayed,  she worked the lock over and had herself an E-scape!  We had to reschedule the appointment.  She was rescued as a young cat herself with 3 kittens [2 still live].  The kittens found homes and we kept mama.  She is a great mouser!  We also had a charming little fellow from another farm named Havoc (named after a rat bait)…  He was an orange guy and just so sweet!  Unfortunately when he ‘came of age’ to be neutered he overheard my conversation with the vet and, I kid you not…he left.  He’s been on walkabout since…in spite of our looking and longing for him.

What else are we up to?  We grow lots of berries, red raspberries, black raspberries, elderberries, black currants, strawberries, blackberries, and a few bushes of blueberries that don’t bear too much fruit.  Thankfully there are tons of wild blueberries for those willing to hike the hills.  There are a couple apple trees that started to bear two years ago…one, to our dismay is a red delicious!  Who plans on growing RD apples?  Oh well, sometimes you take what you get. I love our Filbert stand.  Nuts so sweet and tasty.

We also grow flowers…some just for their beauty, some for the hummingbirds, and some for making medicines.

This Grandpa Ott is an heirloom morning glory.  Glorious indeed.

Hollyhocks are beautiful flowers, this pale pink number was a seedy-gift from a friends house…name unknown.

We also grow lots of different herbs.  This dill and neighbors find their way into soups and salads and the seed flavor the raw pickles we make.

So that’s some of what we do.  Can you tell I finally learned how to get the pictures from my camera & onto the computer!?  Since my father-in-law dragged me (kicking/screaming) into the digital age with the gift of a Nikon P7000 a few months ago, I’ve been learning my way around its use.  This new adventure of blogging will keep the shutter snapping.

Pass back this way again…


COPYRIGHT © 2012  oceannah

All content including images on this blog is my original work unless otherwise cited.  The content and images are copyrighted and may not be duplicated/used without express consent of the blog author.


  1. Your blog looks fab so far! Gorgeous picture. Im a blogger novice too, you do find your feet quickly though and pick up good ideas from looking at other peoples blogs. x

    p.s. congrats on your great losses!

    • Thanks Sonia. Just learning a new skill keeps the ol’ grey matter growing.

    • Sonia, I was able to add you to my blogroll…I’m learning a lot 🙂 Thanks for visiting, stop back soon.

      • Thank You Anna.

    • Hey Sonia, I just tried to post a comment on your great workout post but I could not…not sure why. Anyhow, GREAT WORKOUT!

      • Thanks Anna, I’m not sure why either! Maybe Sandi would know??? I love that picture of the pale pink hollyhock, gorgeous!!!! x

  2. Scrumptious, right? Sandi says that google is doing something to their system and if I want to comment I have to sign up w/ google (she uses her google account to comment on your blog). I don’t have a G-acc’t. Are you able to get comments from other people outside of Google users?

    • I get comments from another wordpress user but Im not sure if she has a google account? What a pain! I always check in with you here anyway so its not a problem. Hope you’re having a great day xo

  3. Thanks Sonia, you’re a doll:) I just posted to your blog…I think whatever you did yesterday made the difference. Great Job on your loss today! YIPPEEE!

  4. I found you via Flamidwife and your comments on my blog 🙂 Cheers to you on your blogging journey .. I’m a farm girl and Dad named every favorite chicken “Henny Penny.” He also had a wild goose named “Loosey Goosey” and … a lame wild duck named “Lucky Ducky.” Over time, both healed and rejoined their flocks. Henny Penny wasn’t impressed.
    🙂 MJ

    • Welcome MJ, thanks for visiting.
      One of our favorite hens a Dominicker named “Golden” had a broken leg and the vet simply said, “cull her” My daughter (then about 8) was horrified! We put a rabbit crate in the hen house and her sister (for warmth & company) and Golden went to the hen-hospital. We splinted her leg and fed her tons of dandelion and other leafy greens. Today, unless she is running, you’d never know she was ever injured…cull indeed!!
      Blogging has proven to be a fun journey 🙂

  5. What a warming friendly place you have here Anna ❤ Thank you 🙂

    • Thank you my beautiful friend. Glad you stopped by. Can’t wait for our pamper day together.

  6. Thanks for finding me today. I’m looking forward to reading about what you are up to in NY!

  7. Anna – I love your blog and am nominating you for the Reader Appreciation Award. Check it out along with the rules for how it works on my blog. Keep up the great work!

    • Awwww Tammy that is so sweet. Thank you very much for your appreciation. I’ll get to that award in a bit…another one waiting in the wings.

  8. Thank you for sharing your beautiful homestead. Wonderful photos!

    • Thank YOU Jabbear for visiting…

  9. Merhaba! As am admirer or your work, I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award – pop on over to my page http://crazytraintotinkytown.com for details. Appreciate these awards involve some work, so please take your time or if you have received them before, my apologies but it’s still nice to know someone appreciates your blog. May your day be filled with sunshine

  10. Now I will plant milkweed in my wild corner. Thank you for following my blog. Time seems to be compressed lately. I awake today feeling so grateful for my life and all its’ blessings so I decided to start thanking people. Blog-pals are important to me.

    • Hey MountainMae, glad you will make some nice habitat for the butterflies. Thanks for your comment….blog pals are indeed an important part of the journey, I agree.

  11. Your garden is gorgeous. I confess I’m having a bit of garden envy. We’re in transition this summer as we’re preparing to move from our tiny urban “homestead” to ten acres in the country. Hopefully we’ll be moving by fall and will be able to get in a fall harvest. No livestock yet, just four dogs and the wild critters (snakes and such) out at our place. It’s nice to meet you 🙂 I’m anxious to follow along.


    • Hey Ho Jenny!! Pleasure to meet you too! Ten acres is a big transition you must be so excited 🙂 For a fall crop you could put in some garlic. We’re all a different stages on the homesteading….don’t worry. One of the best tips I could possibly offer is this: Make sure you find out before hand (particularly w/ livestock) what the time commitment, health-food-grooming-vet et.al. needs are. In my opinion chickens are the ‘cats’ of the livestock world ie: very easy keepers….animals that require milking, not so much if you plan to do any kind of traveling….best of luck to you Jenny!!

  12. Thank you Anna! Yes we are excited and also bracing ourselves for the transition. I have ordered some garlic and in my zone I have until late October to put it in; beets and Swiss Chard, etc. also do really well here late fall. I’m glad to know about the chickens. We were wanting to start off with a *few* of those and ease our way into it. We don’t travel as much as we used to but have talked about the commitment that the dairy goats will require so those are probably a little ways off yet.

  13. Anna, I know that others have come before me, but I so enjoy your blog that I had to include it on my list of nominees for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. http://gardensforgoldens.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/very-inspired-inspiring/

    Thanks for making my day on a regular basis. 🙂 Ogee (now revealed as Audrey)

    • awww, thanks Audrey! I really appreciate your kind words and nomination 🙂

  14. Hi! My name is Sue, and I’m from SlimKicker, a fitness/diet app and site. I came across your blog yesterday and it captured my interest!

    I’m contacting you b/c we’re about to release a fitness tracker (similar to FitBit) early next year, and are looking for bloggers who would be interested in getting 1 for free to review when it’s out (negative or positive).

    Would you be interested in doing this? You can email me at: sue (at) slimkicker.com with ‘Review’ in the email heading if you are.

    In case you don’t know, our site SlimKicker basically turns your fitness/diet goals into a fun level-up game. The tracker will work with the website, and allow people to track calories burned and number of steps they walk automatically. The more they exercise, the more points they rack up! That’s basically how it will work.

    Anyway, hope to hear back either way…

    – Sue
    P.S. You can choose not to approve this comment as this is more of a private message 🙂

    • interesting… thanks for popping in Sue. I’ll let you know what I decide.

  15. Beautiful rooster! Where in NY do you live?

    • We are in the Catskill Mountains

      • Nice! I lived in Syracuse for grad school (Syracuse Uni). I do love central NY!

  16. (I lived in Newport, Vermont when Hurricane Irene hit – she knocked over my sunflowers but they survived, albeit a little Dr. Suess-like. And our rooster got away the night before because my landlords got married and he was afraid of all the dancing and partying in the back yard.. we weren’t really concerned with him not returning to the coop until morning when we realized how bad the storm was! He was gone for 4 days/3 nights before we found him in the middle of a field, cowering, missing the feathers on the top of his head.. poor guy).

    • Oh MY! Poor rooster! That was quite a storm ol’ Irene, no? Thanks for stopping in Katy!

  17. I just found your blog. I have a large garden in my urban back yard, but nothng like what yopu have. I look forward to learning more about your homesteading.

    • Glad to have you here imarunner, I’ll gladly share the gardening stuff and maybe you can share some tips on better running 😉 I keep trying, but I just can’t seem to ever make it to5k

  18. ciao! luvFAB blog.

    • thanks for stopping by!

  19. What a lovely blog you have! I am originally from a small town in Chataqua County, NY (now in southern CA) so I really enjoy your photography… Looks like home 🙂 Where in NY are you?

    • Hi Karen, we are in the Catskill Mountains NY. Glad you are feeling a bit homey here at oceannah!
      Southern CA is also lovely. Are you a gardener in CA? So many different opportunities to grow other things in new areas! Thanks for popping in and commenting, much appreciated.

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